Commercial CCTV installation in Wiltshire

Customer request

Expansive commercial site in Wiltshire requires CCTV. Detached buildings up to a distance of approximately 1 kilometre. Wireless Bridge in place linking the internet connection between buildings. Site must be linked to form one CCTV system. Remote monitoring and App control required. Cameras must be capable of tracking vehicles and people.

CCTV installation

Proposed Solution

Assess the site, ascertain criteria for data transmission requirements, bandwidth availability, camera focal points and ranges, lux levels for night viewing and infrared range requirements. Install a networked system with various NVR (Network Video Recorders) at strategic points. 16 terabytes of hard drive installed to provide uncompromised data storage. Propose fixed cameras at key pinch points, external doors and inside buildings. PTZ cameras to be installed with smart AI analytic capabilities, on the exterior points of the buildings. Protocols set up for vehicle and pedestrian tracking as requested. Long range lens and infrared designs specified. 30x optical zoom providing ability to read number plates or similar detail, up to 120 metres distance. Cameras to be programmed with preset patrol points and manual over ride option. Connection for monitoring and App control.

Installing a CCTV system

Final Outcome

All the above works carried out as proposed. Maintenance agreement set in place to provide service visits, planned preventative works and call out facility. Outcome meets customers criteria. Plans for expansion of system into more buildings in the near future.

Installation of a CCTV system

Contact us

If you would like to find out more or to hear how we can help you solve your problems please get in touch.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.